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5-6 Years old ibrick online afterschool club
The ibrick online afterschool club is an Online Subscription platform that combines a digital and physical adventure, combining the joy of building with LEGO-compatible with educational and enriching STEM content.
This subscription was developed for 5-6-year-old kids and aims to put an emphasis on self-efficacy and promote your child’s confidence that will help nurture their creativity and engineering mindset.
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3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Automatic recurring billing
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One kit = Endless models
A new ibrick adventure every week
Access to our online platform, available anytime and anywhere
Designed by engineers
Our kit and content are developed by engineers and education people
One kit to build it all
all of our models can be built with just 1 brick kit
End to the clutter!
No need for more parts or pieces, all in one box and no bricks on the floor
High quality bricks
Our pieces are made to the highest certified standards
Parents share about ibrick
Recommended from the bottom of my heart!
Everytime a new lesson comes out my child is over the
Katia Kikoza
Parents share about ibrick
Highly recommended! It's our best quality time with our child.
Each model comes with an interesting lesson, helping the child develop his general knowledge and learn in-depth about the models he builds
Matt Danilo
Parents share about ibrick
My boy loved it!
The kids learn about a principle from the worlds of science and then implement it through the model they create! it is very informative, enjoyable and charming! Warmly recommended
Daphi Blumental
A world of adventure awaits
A world of adventure awaits
One kit = Endless models
One kit = Endless models
ibrick’s kit includes a diverse collection of original Lego pieces, and you can easily construct any model from our range by using our digital building instructions available on ibrick platform.
An exciting way to learn STEM
An exciting way to learn STEM
Equipping your child with the skills and curiosity needed for success in these vital fields.
Creative Problem-Solving
Creative Problem-Solving
Unique challenges in each lesson will promote your child’s creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Hands-On Education
Hands-On Education
Active engagement for active learning, making learning more enjoyable while helping your child retain knowledge effectively.
Parental Peace of Mind
Parental Peace of Mind
ibrick prioritizes your child’s safety online, with a secure learning environment and a private user for each student, to ensure your child's uninterrupted learning fun.
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